And I STILL don't feel ready for tomorrow. Ok...tomorrow isn't a day to be ready for, really. There won't be any students. In my district, teachers put in what's referred to as two "in-service" days. Which translates to meetings coming out of your wazoo combined with SOME time to get work done. Since this is my first time at the meetings at the HIGH school level...I'm not even sure how much of which time I do get. I do know this:
Wednesday AM....District-wide meeting.

Wednesday AM....Secondary Department Meetings (English for me)
Wednesday PM....Open for working (as far as I know)
Thurdsay AM.....School-wide Meeting
Thursday AM.....Freshman Orientation
Thursday PM.....Computer Software Training
Sound like fun? It's not. Most teachers do not do well with just sitting and listening. It's not what we do. We'd all rather be doing. And there's SO much to do before the students show up.
I say: to heck with me having to deal with adults and reality. Send the kids in and let me have some fun!!!!!
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