Thursday, February 28, 2008

This one IS about being a drama teacher.

I simply hate a day of the highest highs followed by the lowest of lows.

This week has been grueling, but with a big theater competition on Saturday, that is to be expected. First: a little background. This is a one-act play festival, in short you have up to 40 minutes to perform a non musical play and then have some people write up a critique, and choose some winners to advance. Out of 8 schools, 3 are chosen to go on, however, that is taking place at about 14 places at the same time. I know: confusing. But intense. We call it "Varsity Drama".

So: we are doing this GREAT little comedy, called Removing the Glove, which is an allegory for coming out of the closet. But instead of anyone being GAY, being left handed is what is being talked about.

Today we "previewed" the show for the entire school...which can be a tricky proposition as you never know how the "general public" which is NOT neccessarily a FAN of ANY kind of theater will react. Well, they loved it. My students heard nothing but wonderful comments all day.

THEN, it's time to go to the school at which we will compete on Saturday. We are given an HOUR to use their space: which much include placing and marking where our set pieces need to go, learning their sound system, learning their light system, and figuring out how to utilize all those things. Not an easy feat in 60 minutes under the best of circumstances.

Now: the lights are suppose to be set to that there are six separate distinct areas that can be lit up all at once or individually. THIS is how my entire play is designed. (Note: that's the MINIMUM of lighting capabilities they are suppose to provide us with.) Did I mention that my show is DESIGNED ENTIRELY around this capacity? It is. So we get there 10 minutes late: because OUR bus forgot to pick up up. (even though we confirmed yesterday). So...we go to begin our tech rehearsal and there ARE NO LIGHTS SET UP IN ANY WAY. They are either ON or they are OFF. And there is NOTHING they will do about it. NOTHING. They start arguing with me that they didn't HAVE to have anything like 6 areas because we didn't ASK for it. Of course we didn't ask for it: cuz it's suppose to be a freaking GIVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOW...we have to use spot lights to TRY to isolate the areas. Spotlights do NOT work the same way stage lights to. They are blaring, stage lights can be sublte. Spotlights are either on or off, stage lights operate in variation and degree. NOT the same thing at all. Not even close.

We have to now rehearse these changes when we were NOT suppose to REALLY be having a rehearsal to practice this. suppose to snow tomorrow, sothey could cancel after school activites tomorrow meaning no freaking rehearsal.

I am dying. My kids don't deserve this. AT ALL. Life sucks.

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