Saturday, February 23, 2008

A few NY jaunts to talk about...

1. Has anyone else noticed that I'm not really talking about BEING a drama teacher. I don't kinow what I'm thinking. I don't even know if anyone is reading this besides me. Who the hell knows what this will turn into.

2. I hit Manhattan 2x this month...both for fun and frivolity

No more numbers. Numbers are too orderly and I'd rather ramble.

Back on Feb 9th and 10 I hit Manhattan for a fun girls weekend. Saturday night we hit Forbidden Broadway. It was cute...but I won't be running back to see future additions. Much of what they did was clever, but fluff. (For those unfamiliar with FB: they pretty much spoof all the current and successful b'way musicals) My two favorite seqences were the the Les Mis spoof...which I'm guessing they pulled out from the previous run and the Spring Awakening "dis". THAT was truly hysterical...but perhaps because I am such a fan of SA.

Later that night we hit the Laure Beecham Theatre housed in the West Bank Cafe. This is the second time I've ventured there and haven't been dissappointed. The first was for a Joe Iconis "Rock and Roll Jamboree" and then here for another late night b'way style caberet/piano bar type of gig. Annie Golden was there both nights and she is simply adorable (which isn't a great word when you are of the age that she and I are...but you can't get around it.) Joe Iconis was there too. I like Joe, he is an up and coming composer, lyricist and a truly great guy.

On Sunday, I had the most amazing experience...which reverted me to a 16 year old a good way. In addition to having stage seats for both the matinee AND the evening shows of (my obsession) Spring Awakening, my friend had somehow gotten us invited to a meet and greet event with the cast in between the two.

Granted, the begining was a bit awkward, but it was so much fun. Most of the cast was there, and many of them hung out the entire time with us. It was rather like going to a party where you didn't know too many people. If you were willing to find something to talk to them about you had a great time. Well, I did anyway. I am not one to gush over actors (normally) and I am certainly NOT the stage door type. Instead of just telling them how wonderful they are (and they are) I tried to engage actual conversations.

I resorted to talking about my BEING a drama teacher and how my students were wicked jealous of my being there. This led to some great conversations with the cast about WHAT I was directing, what musical I last did. (They were pretty impressed that we had recently done Urinetown and that I was currently directing a show about coming out of the closet) That garnered me a kiss from Blake Bashoff...for the camera...but still! BLAKE BASHOFF. (for those of you that don't know him: he is the current "Moritz" in Spring Awakening and never ceases to amaze me with his performnace, but he is also on LOST as Karl. ) Most of the cast were really nice and personable and as much as I'd like to THINK that I made an impression, I'm guessing they wouldn't know me from a hole in the wall should I run into them. (Well, that's a sad thought.)

But the truly neat thing -- did I just say 'neat'? I hang my head in shame. The truly fabulous thing was watching the evening show afterwards. Some of the cast had made some, er, ummm promises about the performance and lived up to them. Being personally "serenaded" during a B'way show is something that must be experienced. Remember, I was onstage that night, so it was a heavenly experience. I won't go into details, but it was exhilarating. We ended up waiting for the cast at the stage door, which is a different experience in itself. I am not one that usually goes in for stage dooring, but it was was amazing how much MORE gracious they were having spent the afternoon together. I think that show was my favorite one of all time. I mentioned to Blake how incredible the show had been that night and his reply made a lot of sense. He said that since they have the next day off, they seem to pour whatever they have left into it. It's Groff's favorite show.

I am done FanGirling.

This past week I took my own children into Manhattan for one of our 3 trips in as a family. We took in Little Mermaid: which I do NOT RECCOMMEND. And an off B'way play called: JUMP! which I wholeheartedly DO reccomend. (but is now closed.)

LM was simply resting on its laurels assuming it was wonderful and that because it had outrageous costumes and "heelies" that the audience would forgive. Well, I didnt'. I was bored. Truly. I have no problem with spectacle, but make sure you can back it up.

I even ventured to bring my kids to the MoMA for the first time. It went pretty well and they seemed to enjoy it...mostly.

Well, hell week is coming up for our production going into competition production this week. Think of us all.

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